Music inspired by and dedicated to the City of Lisbon and its people
Gottfried Koch kommt aus einer Musikerfamilie. Als Jugendlicher lernte er Cello, Posaune, Gitarre und Saxophon und nahm Gesangsunterricht. Er studierte Musikpädagogik, Geschichte und Englisch sowie Komposition. Seit vielen Jahren ist er als Musiker, Studioinhaber und internationaler Produzent in Hamburg tätig. G.K.: „Als Kind las ich mit Begeisterung die Berichte von der Entdeckung der Welt. Dabei haben die Portugiesen ja eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt. Seitdem hatte der Name ihre Hauptstadt – LISSABON – für mich einen magischen Klang und war ein Synonym für meine Sehnsucht nach der Ferne. Eines Tages war es dann soweit: Ich beschloss diesen Traum wahr zu machen und reiste zum ersten Mal an den Tejo. Seitdem kehre ich regelmäßig zurück. Für mich ist Lissabon ein Ort der Poesie, Inspiration und inneren Erneuerung. Musik ist das Medium in dem ich diese Empfindungen ausdrücken kann. Dies war und ist Grund und Anlass für mein Projekt „LISPHONIA“
Gottfried Koch comes from a family of musicians. As a teenager, he learned the cello, trombone, guitar and saxophone, and took lessons in singing. He studied music-education, history and English, as well as composition. For many years he has been working as a musician, studio-owner and international producer. G.K.: “When I was a kid, I enthusiastically read stories about the discoveries of the world, in which the Portuguese played a decisive role. Ever since, the name of their capital—LISBON—has held a magic sound for me and is a synonym for my longing for the distance. One day, I made this dream come true and travelled to the river Tagus for the first time. Since then, I return regularly. For me, Lisbon is a place of poetry, inspiration and spiritual renewal. Music is the medium in which I can express this sentiment. Sharing my discoveries of Lisbon's magic is the motivation behind my project “LISPHONIA.”
Gottfried vem de um família de músicos. Em sua juventude ele aprendeu violoncelo, trombone, violão e saxofone e frequentou aulas de canto. Ele estudou educação musical, história e inglês, além de composição. Já há muitos anos ele trabalha como músico e produtor internacional em Hamburgo, além de trabalhar en seu studio próprio: “Quando criança, eu lia entusiasticamente os relatos da descoberta do mundo. Os portugueses desempenharam um papel crucial nestes episódios. Desde então, o nome da capital - LISBOA - teve um som mágico para mim e tornou-se sinónimo de meu anseio em conhecer lugares distantes. Enfim um dia chegou esse momento. Decidi realizar este sonho e viajei ao Rio Tejo pela primeira vez. Desde então volto lá regularmente. Para mim Lisboa é um lugar de poesia, inspiração e renovação interior. A música é o meio em que posso expressar essas sensações. Este foi e é o motivo e a razão para a criação de meu projeto „LISPHONIA“. “
The Product
Elf Lieder – mal frei assoziert, mal beschreibend, die Eindrücke wiedergebend die bei langen Spaziergängen durch die Stadtlandschaft, bei Begegnungen mit den Menschen, beim Studium ihrer Geschichte, ihrer Kunst und Literatur, die Liebe des Autors zu dieser Stadt geformt haben. Und über allem die Bewunderung für die allgegenwärtige Musik, deren Klang aus jedem Windhauch, jedem Mauerstein, jedem freundlichen Gesicht zu strömen scheint. Die Musik bewegt sich zwischen Rock, Pop und Folk, greift traditionelle Themen auf und ist vor allem handgemacht und authentisch eingespielt und produziert.
Eleven songs—some freely associated, some directly descriptive—embodying the author's love of this city cultivated during long walks through the town's landscape, meeting its people and studying its history, arts and literature. Above all, these songs echo and admire the omnipresent music that pours from Lisbon's every breath of wind, every brick and every friendly face. The music ranges from Rock to Pop and Folk, and integrates traditional themes. The songs are all original—personally crafted, played and produced.
Onze canções - às vezes de livre associação, às vezes descritivas, refletindo as impressões obtidas durante longas caminhadas pela paisagem urbana, nos encontros com as pessoas, no estudo de sua história, sua arte e literatura, que formaram o amor do autor por esta cidade, acima de tudo, sua admiração pela música onipresente, cujo som parece fluir de cada brisa, cada tijolo, cada rosto amigável. O estilo musical se move entre rock, pop e folk. A música capta temas tradicionais e é, acima de tudo, artesanal e por ele mesmo gravada e produzida.
Die Themen und Lieder / The Themes and the Songs / Temas e músicas
1. Die Verlorene Zeit / The Lost Times / O Tempo perdido
“As Time passes On”
2. Traumfänger / Dreamcatcher / Pescador de Sonhos
“My Handful of Dreams”
3. Der Platz in Licht und Schatten / The Square in Light and Shadow / O Largo em Luz e Sombra
“Vices and Virtues”
4. Im Garten des Zauberers / In the Magician’s Garden / No Jardim do Mágico
“Behind the Veils of Green”
5. Frauen von heute / Women of today / Mulheres de hoje
“Fashionista Woman”
6. Tanz mit den Wolken / Dancing With Clouds / Dança com as Nuvens
”Dancing with Clouds”
7. Ein Leben auf der Treppe / Life on the Stairway / A vida nas Escadas
“ Livin’ on the Stairs”
8. Nachts in der Alfama / Alfama Nights / A noite na Alfama
“Alfama in Your Alleys”
9. Das Licht des Sommers / Light of the Summer/ A luz do Verão
“In the Light of Summer”
10. Lissabon im Regen / Lisbon in the Rain / Lisboa na Chuva
“Lisbon in the Rain”
11. Seine Majestät der Tejo / His Majesty the River Tagus / Sua majestade o Rio Tejo
“ Son of the Ocean”
12. Bonus Track: Tanz der Straßenbahn / Dance of the Tramway / A dança do Elétrico
Die Verlorene Zeit / The Lost Times / O Tempo perdido “As Time passes On”
2. Traumfänger / Dreamcatcher / Pescador de Sonhos “My Handful of Dreams”
3. Der Platz in Licht und Schatten / The Square in Light and Shadow
O Largo em Luz e Sombre “Vices and Virtues”
4. Im Garten des Zauberers / In the Magician’s Garden / No Jardim do Mágico
“Behind the Veils of Green”
5. Frauen von heute / Women of today / Mulheres de hoje
“Fashionista Woman”
6. Tanz mit den Wolken / Dancing With Clouds / Dança com as Nuvens
”Dancing with Clouds”
7. Ein Leben auf der Treppe / Life on the Stairway / A vida nas Escadas
“ Livin’ on the Stairs”
8. Nachts in der Alfama / Alfama Nights / A noite na Alfama
“Alfama in Your Alleys”
9. Das Licht des Sommers / Light of the Summer/ Na luz do Verão
“In the Light of Summer”
10. Lissabon im Regen / Lisbon in the Rain / Lisboa na Chuva
“Lisbon in the Rain”
11. Seine Majestät der Tejo / His Majesty the River Tagus / Sua majestade o Rio Tejo
“ Son of the Ocean”
12. Bonus Track: Tanz der Straßenbahn / Dance of the Tramway / A dança do Elétrico
LISPHONIA is a Gottfried Koch production for A-Street Media Hamburg, Germany. All songs music and lyrics by Gottfried Koch
All vocals and all instruments by Gottfried Koch. Recorded, mixed and mastered at A-Street Media Studios Hamburg
Song Nr.12 „E28" was entirely made with sounds and voices recorded on the E28-Tramway in Lisbon.
All Photographs and videos by Gottfried Koch All rights belong to the author. Videos on Youtube
Gottfried Koch Singer/Songwriter on Facebook Homepage:
Contact: A-Street Media Music & Multimedia Op‘n Hesel 13 D-22397 Hamburg
T.: +49 (0) 40 65056424 e.: m.: +49 (0) 172 8846278